
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Money Tips for all

How full is your piggy bank? I've been researching on great ways for us to save money. I want to share w/ you what most people are saying on the how to!

So first, cut out at least one meat meal a night. For example: Instead of regular beef taco's go w/ potato tacos. We have a great recipe we found. I might post the recipe later. More than likely you already have purchased your 5 pound bag of potatoes for the week, so you already have the ingredients in your pantry.

Save money in traveling by car instead of plane. I see this as using our car for our favorite San Antonio trips, instead of those 45 minute airplane trips. Yes, you get there faster, but your wallet is still bigger.

If you live in an area where you can use public transit, please do. By using public transportation you not only save gas money, you are helping our environment! If you can walk to the store for a few items, then do so, and hey, you also get some exercise in too.

Cut out that cable bill. We did when we first got married. Now five years later, we still have the antina waves. Two years ago, after we got back from a trip, I turned on the TV, and noticed we had PBS (channel 13). I was ecstatic. See for a long time we only had 5 channels. I found all these other channels too. So now we have a few more channels, and still don't have to pay. I even checked w/the AT&T, to see if we owe them anything, but they said no. I was worried that time would go by, and we would owe $1,000 bill to them!

Don't have time to clip coupons? Don't worry. Start shopping at Tom Thumb. Tom Thumb is in a price war w/all other stores. The prices are lower today, than they have been in over 10 years. Plus they have the largest organic section in town!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Looking forward to

My day off this week is Wed.
My to do list will include:
Going to the eye doctor and picking out a new pair of glasses,
Taking YoYo for his 1st teeth cleaning,
Paying my credit card and car payment in person,
washing my car,
reading at least an hour or two,
but what I'm really looking forward to is this:

Mainly I'm looking forward for my husband and I to watch one of my good friends baby. Wed. night. We gain an addition to the house momentarily. We will have a hectic day, b/c that's the same day YoYo's teeth cleaning. For people out there that have never had a pets mouth cleaned, let me tell you something. The vet considers it like a surgery, b/c he will be knocked out and due to his little weight, they give him a little more juice to keep him under. Anyways, back to the precious little girl...
I can't wait. I learn something new every time I see her, and I'm privileged to FINALLY get to watch a baby outside her home. Thank you to my friend that trusts me more than my own family to watch your baby girl.

So, I'll post an after post on our activities.

We all need to fill our Piggy

I'm very proud of myself this week. I can officially say, I did not spend any money this week on eating out. I really enjoy eating out, especially for dinner. I saved an average of $42 just by making a sandwich for lunch. My coworkers and I love to go to Carino's and Pei Wei! So we decided for one week that we are all eating in. My piggy bank in filling up as we speak.

At home, we have also cut way back on eating out. We have a huge goal(bill) due soon, so we have cut out:

at our favorite restaurants, and enjoyed it more at home. When I say more, I don't mean every night either. We have cut BACK on that at home. I enjoy a glass every now and then.
We are going to Wei more, read more, play board games more until our debt is gone.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts: Why do you crave ice cream when it's cold outside? I'll be having some chocolate right after our homemade pizza tonight.

I'm happy to recycle my grocery store bags for YoYo!

Wow! Just in: We are at 7.3 inches of snow today! This is the most snow fall in a calendar day! The 4th most snow since we've been tracking records.

One day soon I will satisfy my PF Chang's craving. I love the crab wontons there.

I'm so ready to get back into running/working out.

I've started the 2nd series in Wicked called the Son of the Witch. I hope it does not take me a year to read.

So, here are my random thoughts. Maybe this is why hard core bloggers post about what they did for the week, as in writing posts and going back to them adding special touches before posting. I'd like to do that, but I get so excited being able to stop out of my crazy day and talking to you. Now I'm going to enjoy being w/my husband at home. Yes I'm off tonight!

Enjoy our snowy night!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Bug Off

Why do good people get screwed? Why do you crazy people out in our society think its actually OK to NOT have car insurance? While all of us good people do, and our savings dwindles down. All you people out there w/ no car ins. here is a tip: Before your ass goes to jail, you better get it, and go into debt like we do.

Another thing bugging me: I'm in need of a manicure. Really. I cleaned my blinds on Sunday, really cleaned, I mean it took me an hour w/warm soap and water! Then later that night, my cuticles started burning.
I've been saving money on cutting back my spa days, but I'm do one very soon!

On a good note: 3 more working days until my day off. Then its Super Bowl Sunday!
Shout out to where is: Steppin' up to the Eastepp's? Your last post was on my 5th yr. ann.

Well I'm off to finish the last chapters of my Nicholas Sparks book.