When did winter leave and almost summer come? Where did 6 months go? Yikes! Did I do anything important? Did I make a mark on this earth? What did I do?
I do know I started out the year w/an amazing ski trip. We also made an overnight stay in San Antonio.
I continue to stay close to friends and family. I make sure I'm their for important events in their life.
Buying vs. Renting is a daily conversation in our house. See in January we began saving for closing costs and a down payment on a house. In February, we were notified that we would have to pay taxes. This was the first time ever, so we never in a million years thought about this expense.
I work close by, so I can continue to save money by visiting YoYo at lunch, while making a quick lunch.
We now work out regularly, and hope to during our hot Texas weather!
We cook in more vs. going out. I want to learn more cooking meals that don't break our bank.
2010 can slow down a bit in parts and speed up in others (AKA 110 degree heat)!