Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Monday, June 06, 2011
5 Things I'm Loving Now
- Sausage biscuits for breakfast
- My upcoming hard earned bonus
- The current cup of Joe I'm having this morning
- A day off w/my hubby (which is probably the best out of my 5 today!!)
- I do have a green thumb-w/the help of my family. I've worked so much that I tend to forget to water my tomato plants and peper plants. I'm excited that I have 3 ready cherry tomatos and a couple of pepers
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Birthday Moments

We began 2 years ago sending in tapes of our concert performances that included 45-60 minutes of music. This year only 2 Flute Choirs were selected from Texas to get to perform in Charlotte NC. Don't worry out there Texas fans, I'll make sure I represent our state well! More to come on this event.

As always we had good conversation that paired well w/the wine.
So after all that playing in many forms, it was quickly back to the grind mill as my husband had to be at work at 2AM.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
True Friends
Also, something big came out of that concert that I will post another day.
So yesterday my tools included a rake, shovel, wheel barrel, and gloves. I played w/weed killer to mortar. I helped lay down lime stone and shovel out a gravel drive. Yes, today my obliques are a bit sore, but after all this is what you do to help out a very dear friend. To be honest I actually enjoyed it. I was reminded of the many projects I was next to w/my dad.
I'm really looking forward to the finish product the Sat. when we go over for a graduation party.
Well, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my weekend night w/my hubby. I work another two days, and have my normal weekend back!
Everyone enjoy.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Busy Bee Month Approaching
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Spring into Bulbs

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saving my Pennies

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Passion for teapots

This post is all about teapots! I wonder when my passion started on liking these little joys. My mom gave me my first teapot the first Christmas I was in my first apartment. It's solid white and my biggest teapot. I have a smaller red vintage teapot that I like to call my Chinese teapot. My newest teapot I got from my husband for our 6th year anniversary. It's blue and it resembles the calm ocean days. (At least that's what the paper says) I want to continue my passion with teapots and learn new teas when Teavana opens up at the mall.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Time at 30
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Snow Day
Shortly after taking this picture we decided to go out to the front of the house. We began walking the neighborhoods. We were the first outside, so we were the first to make snow tracks. The time was around 9am. Walking side by side, hand in hand, this moment in time, was peaceful. We heard nothing, no planes, no cars, no school buses. The view was peaceful too. You did not see any streets, no curbs, no sidewalks. I semi felt like I was in the country, but only semi, b/c the houses were to close together! My husband said at one point, that GOD sent us this snow, knowing we were not able to go ski this year. We both miss not being able to go ski, but next year will come fast as it always does. For now, I'm glad I was able to soak this moment in and enjoy it.
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Super Freeze XLV
I wanted to give you 5 essential items you need for today.
- A fantastic cup of coffee or hot chocolate
- A blanket
- Sweaters for your dogs
- A great book
- Food for the soul: My favorite is potato soup
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Resolutions Check

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Yummy Meals
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Save, Save, Save
Sunday, January 09, 2011
A new Year

A new year, and a new decade is upon us. I have many goals ahead, as I believe we all should. Some of the goals consist long term, complicated, and others are short term, and are not very complex. Some personal goals of mine are:
Read more:
- Finish the Wicked series
- Read the entire Twilight series
- Read more Nicholes Sparks books
- Work out more and do more Yoga classes
The biggest thing I need to work on is "Live in the Moment" I think that should be my 2011 motto. I'm to much in a hurry, and always on the go. I can be at home and believe I can do one more load of laundry while I vacuum.
- Pay more down on our debt. I hope to have 2 more cards done, which is a very realistic goal.
- Find our First House!!
- Double what I have in my savings account
Now on to travel:
- Go anywhere Kaylan wants to for her birthday in June
- Go to San Antonio once
- Go ski, either the Rockies, or in the Vermont area,
- Go to see the Fall foliage
- Maybe go back to San Diego
Learn to cook actual meals.
I want to learn 12 new recipes. I'm on a start. Today I cooked omelets.
All in all, our first week into the new year is good. We were able to spend the new year, celebrating it w/Allen's grandmother. We all were able to have a home cooked meal on Allen's birthday w/her and his family. The night before that my entire family was able to celebrate my dads birthday at Genghis grill which my dad loves!
For the rest of January, I hope to keep it low key, as we need every penny to go towards a down payment for a house. So, for now, I hope to start on my reading!