Sunday, January 30, 2011
Resolutions Check

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Yummy Meals
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Save, Save, Save
Sunday, January 09, 2011
A new Year

A new year, and a new decade is upon us. I have many goals ahead, as I believe we all should. Some of the goals consist long term, complicated, and others are short term, and are not very complex. Some personal goals of mine are:
Read more:
- Finish the Wicked series
- Read the entire Twilight series
- Read more Nicholes Sparks books
- Work out more and do more Yoga classes
The biggest thing I need to work on is "Live in the Moment" I think that should be my 2011 motto. I'm to much in a hurry, and always on the go. I can be at home and believe I can do one more load of laundry while I vacuum.
- Pay more down on our debt. I hope to have 2 more cards done, which is a very realistic goal.
- Find our First House!!
- Double what I have in my savings account
Now on to travel:
- Go anywhere Kaylan wants to for her birthday in June
- Go to San Antonio once
- Go ski, either the Rockies, or in the Vermont area,
- Go to see the Fall foliage
- Maybe go back to San Diego
Learn to cook actual meals.
I want to learn 12 new recipes. I'm on a start. Today I cooked omelets.
All in all, our first week into the new year is good. We were able to spend the new year, celebrating it w/Allen's grandmother. We all were able to have a home cooked meal on Allen's birthday w/her and his family. The night before that my entire family was able to celebrate my dads birthday at Genghis grill which my dad loves!
For the rest of January, I hope to keep it low key, as we need every penny to go towards a down payment for a house. So, for now, I hope to start on my reading!