What are you doing at 30? I ask myself if I'm living in the moment more, like I mentioned at the first of the year. I'd like to say yes, but man is time flying by. Here in Texas we've had very unusual weather the last 3 weeks. The first two weeks started w/record low temps, and this past week unusual warm temps for February. We broke a record low yesterday, I think at 63 degrees. During this crazy weather times I was able to finish one book and begin the Twilight series. My mom gave me the entire set for a Christmas gift last year. This is the first book I'm reading:

as well as enjoying a cup of:

This is an herbal tea, and tastes yummy.
The beginning of the week started off w/my valentine giving me a cupcake and the perfect size roses in a cute old milk container. The cupcake's icing was a marshmallow filling. We both were surprised by that. Yes, I shared!!
The end of the week will conclude w/me visiting a new salon today. I'm stepping out of one salon and walking into a new one that has opened downtown, off 7th street in Fort Worth. I'm not sure if this step is permanent, b/c I want to make sure I have the experience I'm looking for in this salon. It's been almost one month since my part time job at AVEDA has ended. I worked there for so many years, and will miss the discount majorly. We partnered w/one salon that helped our pockets books the last year. Especially my pocket book, since I have to go color my greys about every 2 months!
We will be visiting and cooking dinner w/our dear friends tonight. So, I'm off to enjoy the weekend.