
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Round 2

Car problems again. I get a call at 5am, saying "My car has died, I need help." One tow to Speedi, and another $400.00 later, the car is back. It's a good thing we did not go to one of our favorite cities, San Antonio. Maybe in a couple of months we will indulge ourselves with Boudro's. Anyone that wants to join us, simply email me, and we will have a blast. No doubt!
YoYo is finally pooping. He is feeling much better. He even got a bath today.
Also on the list of things that got done this weekend were laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning the bathroom, and making chicken salad, which I'm about to eat soon.

The month of May will be a crazy time here at YoYo's house. I have several things going. I need to get ready for Texas Flute Society. I'm helping my dad sale CD's, and working mother's day weekend at AVEDA.

Well, I'm off to get ready for the day. I'm done w/cleaning. Allen should be home soon from work. I wonder what yummy stuff he has planned for cooking. He has made some great pork chops, and steaks recently.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Crapy Weekend

Hello all. So, when your husband calls you on your lunch break, and Say's "I need you to help me take my car in to get the breaks fixed." Normally, you would be like OK. Great timing. I'm almost finished shoving down a piece of pizza that I really did not want. He then calls you about 2 hours later after the car has been dropped off, and tells you more detail about the car, your still like OK, whatever you need help w/I'm there for you.

YoYo began not keeping his food down at all. I'm talking, the food was not in the digestion process. So, you began to think, OK upset stomach. YoYo has been know to not drink allot of water. Actually he only drinks a couple of times a day. So, second, you began to think that he may be dehydrated.

Apparently, my cell phone has been on its way out for a while. Friday afternoon around 4:00 my coworker told me to fix YoYo rice w/ chicken broth, so I began to call Allen. I could hear him, but he could not hear me. First, I thought, I needed to move away from my office. I go outside, still nothing. He can't hear me. I then go to another part of my office, still nothing. I finally call him on my office line to at least get the message to him about the rice.

Minutes before I arrive home from work, YoYo has thrown up all the rice. So then we call Allen's sister. She instructs us to buy Pepto Bismol, so out we go. First we go get food at Carrabbas. While we were waiting on our food, we did a test on my cell phone. I asked the bartender which we know well, if it was OK to call him. Same scenario, I can hear him, but he can't hear me.

We come home, to give YoYo 1/2 a teaspoon of Pepto Bismol and go to bed.

Saturday morning, I give YoYo a teaspoon of food. Yea, he keeps that down. Still no water consumption, even when I forced him. YoYo's attitude was normal. He wanted food, and wanted to play.

Saturday morning, I call Sprint, to tell them about my issue w/ my cell phone. I make an appointment, and off I go. 30 minutes later, the guy tells me after looking at my account that it will cost $99.00 to see if they can fix the problem. I tell him immediately that, I was not ready to buy a phone today, but obviously I can buy a new phone for $30.00 more, and that would be the better deal. So, I look at phones for a short while, and I mean a short while because the sales person was so pushy. He asked me what I use a cell phone for, I tell, him, and then he says so what is there to think about. I would go w/ this. I told him 3 times that I need to think about it. I was very familiar w/ one particular brand of phone. I was not really liking the other cell phones due to the buttons being very tiny. I do like to text, and I want a user friendly cell phone for that reason. I call home, to see if I can get advice from the one brand of phone I'm used to, but there not home. So, I talk to my mom. She said to try Best Buy. I look at them online, and they have the phone I'm looking for. So, when Allen gets home from work, out we go to Best Buy.

I'm really hoping this 2 hour adventure I'm on about my cell phone already is almost over, by simply buying the phone I did my quick research on. On the way there, my sister calls, to make sure Sprint has not come out/or soon will come out w/ a new version of the phone. The guy was new to Best Buy, so I had to be patient. I was willing to be patient b/c he was helpful. We do find out that a new version of the Instinct has come out. This is where I have to be patient. The guy helping us was his first time setting anyone up w/ this phone. I was also able to get my points on the phone and be able to pay out my $175.00 investment in 3 months. One hour later I was walking out w/ the new Instinct s30.

Remember, I was really not wanting to spend almost $200.00 to buy a phone. I liked the one I had. I'm also trying my best to pay off my credit cards, so yes, when Allen got home from work on Saturday, I was annoyed at the fact about having to spend money.

When we return, we tried feeding YoYo, w/water in his food and give him a little more food than this morning. We began to clean up the house, and then 30 minutes later YoYo throws up about 1/2 of his food. He then hops on the couch where I'm setting. I notice he is warmer than normal. Allen then, makes an ice pack for our dog. So sweet. The ice pack only last about 5 minutes, and then YoYo has no interest in the ice pack.

Meanwhile, while YoYo is on the ice pack, I have to call Sprint b/c I notice I can't receive/or dial out phone numbers/text. I'm on hold, b/c I think I'm the first one ever to buy this phone. The guy had to get instructions to help me. While I was on hold, Allen & I discuss that we should take YoYo to the animal hospital. So, I call the vet place from the house phone, to see if they are open, and if we need to make an appointment.

It's now 10pm. We are off to the animal hospital. We arrive to a dark place, w/ no cars in site. Great, they have moved. Remember I called the vet place from our home not the new cell phone. I quickly call my mom, which does not know anything about YoYo at this point to simply get a phone number. We finally arrive to the new location which is new to us, not them. Once we check in, the lady at the front desk tells me, they have been there since July. We shortly go back to a room. The tech begins the examination process on YoYo, and also is asking us questions. The doctor then comes in to begin his examination. Remember YoYo has been not keeping any food down for 2 days. Apparently the doctor only heard the part of YoYo throwing up his food for dinner Saturday night. He says to us, that he can't see any outside, abnormal signs of YoYo. So he gives us three options. We can pick if we want to give him a pill, or give him a shot, or do an Xray to see him internally. We all three begin talking about not understanding the vomiting. I told the doctor I simply do not understand why he keeps on vomiting. The doctor asked me when he began vomiting. I told him Thursday night. The tech even wrote YoYos symptoms down when she was in the room. The doctor later told us, he did not read the sheets, and he was preoccupied. The doctor immediately said, he was sorry, about not understanding the time frame, and that it was in YoYo's best interest to do an Xray.

10 minutes later I'm looking at an Xray full of poop. Yes, YoYo is constipated. So 30 minutes later, we get YoYo back all drugged up b/c the doctor had to perform a not so pretty procedure if you know what I mean, all wrapped up in a pee blanket.

$400.00 later, we are instructed on what to do for the next 24-48 hours. If you are all wanting to know, No he has not pooped all day. We are approaching on the 23rd hour on Sunday, and nothing. I hope he poops soon.

So the lessons I've learned this weekend is I'm so grateful to have my husband help me out in my cell phone crises, as well as our dog's crises. He has been so comforting during this crazy time.

I also told him I could have titled this blog as an expensive weekend w/out the getaway.

$400.00 + on breaks

$175.00 on a cell phone

$400.00 to have a doctor tell us YoYo is constipated.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Daily Commute

Please help me congratulate my husband. He got transferred to a closer store. He now drives 1/2 the distance to work. He said it takes 6 trips to his one trip. This is great news in several areas of our life. One, a tank of gas can last 2 weeks vs. 1 week. He does not have to get up an hour earlier than he is used to even though he has gotten used to late nights, and early mornings.
Commuting can also make us ill, study says.

So I did a little research. I looked at this one article that said the percent of commuters driving 90 minutes or more is getting higher every year. TX is ranked 19 out of all the 52 states. Guess who is number one. NY.

I also looked at another article that talked about our health behind the wheel. Apparently we breath allot of yucky stuff behind our own car. Concentrations of the ultra fine particles emitted by diesel vehicles are four to eight times higher inside a car, bus and train than in open air, the report said. Particles can cause respiratory and cardiovascular problems.
Cars directly behind diesel trucks have higher concentrations of pollution inside than those traveling on routes less used by trucks.

All in all, I'm super excited that we can save a little green, he can save time, and become a little healthier.

So here is some good news along with food w/ thought. Yep, its almost dinner time!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Recovery Time

We are on our way to good health. I was able to walk/run 1.58 miles once this week. In about 30 minutes I'll be at flute practice and my voice is almost back. Allen is getting back in his groove too.

Work has been crazy, but actually good.

Great news: My friend Karyn finally had a baby girl.

Welcome Baby Jenna!

Congrats to our friend Craig that found out he got accepted into the teaching program.

I also have a strawberry that turned red today!

All is up and up at this house. Enjoy your night!