Please help me congratulate my husband. He got transferred to a closer store. He now drives 1/2 the distance to work. He said it takes 6 trips to his one trip. This is great news in several areas of our life. One, a tank of gas can last 2 weeks vs. 1 week. He does not have to get up an hour earlier than he is used to even though he has gotten used to late nights, and early mornings.
Commuting can also make us ill, study says.
So I did a little research. I looked at this one article that said the percent of commuters driving 90 minutes or more is getting higher every year. TX is ranked 19 out of all the 52 states. Guess who is number one. NY.
I also looked at another article that talked about our health behind the wheel. Apparently we breath allot of yucky stuff behind our own car. Concentrations of the ultra fine particles emitted by diesel vehicles are four to eight times higher inside a car, bus and train than in open air, the report said. Particles can cause respiratory and cardiovascular problems.
Cars directly behind diesel trucks have higher concentrations of pollution inside than those traveling on routes less used by trucks.
All in all, I'm super excited that we can save a little green, he can save time, and become a little healthier.
So here is some good news along with food w/ thought. Yep, its almost dinner time!
2014:Wk.23-24: Wedding Weekend
10 years ago
yayyyy! good job big brother :)