Thursday, December 23, 2010
Semi Homemade gifts
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Many Blessings

Today is the 24Th November in 2010! Can you believe another month away and it will be Christmas Eve. Where has the time gone? Random things happen to me to stop me in my tracks to remember why I'm here for one, and two, how blessed I am in my life. Today I had a homeless person stop by our office at work. We were not able to help in my line of work, but we were able to help him by giving him a cup of coffee, cookies, and send him on his way. My boss, and I said, to each other, but where does he go? This man coming into our lives for a short moment made me realize that I'm glad to have a home, (well for now at least a temp home to go to)! I'm glad to have a job to pay the bills, food, gas, saving for a down payment for a home, and money to entertain me!
I'm blessed to have family, friends, and most of all, a husband to help me keep me in check when I get all crazy!
Speaking of crazy, we both have a fun filled 2 days ahead. We are currently at work, (yes I'm taking a break), then we have to finish a CD project we are doing for a friend, bake to pecan pies, make pinwheel appetizers and wash a load of jeans. We are celebrating Turkey day this year in a parking lot. We will be tailgating at the Cowboys Stadium with close friends and family. I'll post later with pictures. For now I'm wishing all of 3 people who read my blog a happy Turkey Day!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Random Thoughts
I did go to a kickboxing class this past week. I'm just now recovering! My goal is to go more often after work.
I cut my hair this past week, and it's really short. By the way, I discovered, no matter how short my hair is; I lose it just the same. I find tiny hairs now all over me and the bathroom floor!
Things I need to do before the month is over:
- Read my book
- Decide on what we are doing for Christmas exchange
- Decide what to do for our 6Th year anniversary. I also need to come up w/a creative gift. I can choose from candy or iron as the themed gift.
- Get connected to a long term friend or family member
- Keep saving money for our down payment for a house
Sunday, November 07, 2010
In a Blink of and Eye
Wow. November already. I'm excited for cooler weather. This month is my sisters b-day, (this week). Then turkey day. I'm not sure what we are doing, but it will be a paid day off!
I can't believe we are beginning to surround ourselves around the holidays. I'm playing Christmas music already in Flute Choir. The grocery stores are stocking the shelves w/baking goods. I must do one thing to get into the holiday spirit soon, or else this season will fly by in a blink of an eye. Any suggestions?
Sunday, October 31, 2010
World Series Game 3
Saturday, October 23, 2010
It's Time

Sunday, September 19, 2010
My Blessings
Little did any of us know at the baby shower that we would be spending the last moments of a family member dear to many hearts. One of my friends grandma's passed away on Sunday night. Yes, very unexpected. I'm glad I had my camera that day. I filmed and shot pictures, as we all were listening to this women talk to another women she just met, of her days growing up in Texas.
I'm reminded of my life and all the blessings I have. Moments before the funeral began, I was sitting in the church, looking up at a screen filled w/memories captured thru a camera lins. The message I got from seeing all these pictures is how important family was to this lady.
I ended the week by going to Grapefest in Grapevine, which was OK. We were very warm, and did not even taste any wine. I think I enjoy Octoberfest much more.
I'm blessed with:
- Friends and family
- Music-my flute
- Traveling the world
- My husband which supports me and is my traveling buddy!
I recommend to all, to take a minute and think of or write down your blessings.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I like Pumpkins
I've always liked "pumkins" as I call them. I enjoy seeing them all throughout neighborhoods, city downtown's like Grapevine and a little touch around the house.

We have only a couple of weeks until our annual trip to Fredericksburg Octoberfest. I enjoy the drive because you can see the tree leaves turning vibrant orange and red. Another reason I enjoy going is to get out of the rush, rush, big city life for a weekend. My dad has taken us out to the "TX country" since I can remember. My favorite part was no TV, so my sisters and I explored the country side.
So, I recommend a weekend getaway deep in the heart of Texas. You will come back relaxed, and with another great memory to keep forever.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Check this out!
What a way to use one of the 3 R's:
Monday, August 02, 2010
5 Things I'm Ready For
- A vacation-Well I'll take 3 days off in a row. I do this to myself, but as many of you know I'm a workaholic. So I'm paying for working 18 days straight. I've done this a couple of times this year. Maybe the added work outs at night put a major factor in my body telling me NO MORE! I did think yesterday, that I could own my own company since I do work all the time. Many people have told me you get no vacations or time off by owning you own business/company. Well I rarely call in sick due to gilt for not doing my work, so I go into work several times sick. I look back after a sinus infection or headache is over and say to myself, "Wow I really did not feel good." I also do not get very much vacation time.
- Our down payment + closing cost and everything else needed to purchase a home
- My friends 2ND baby girl to come
- The Fall season which might be my favorite part of the year!
What are you ready for?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Crush Time Lead Right into Step Time
I want to thank a random stranger in the step class for knowing it was my first time. She came over and asked me if I'd taken the instructors class, and I said no, its my first time. She then gave me a piece of advice and it was well worth it! The instructor came back from having her 4th child and she looks amazing. She also said this was her 2nd home birth! Anyways, that's a major side note!
The instructor recognized most of everyone in the class and also asked if she had any newbies. I of course raised my hand and she asked first step class too?!!
I've noticed most instructors are great where I work out, but the place is not so great. I really don't like how they expect us new people to know everything. It's frustrating and the place is hot all the time. I want to be in a cool environment, so I can work up my own hotness! (If you get me)
So the classes sounded good, but now I'm so sore, it hurts to sit. Good thing I stand at my 2nd job allot. Yes, I've worked the last two days at my 2nd job while being off from the primary job.
I'm taking a little "me" time right now, enjoying my patio w/a glass of wine. YoYo is in my lap waiting on a particular someone to get home! He looks out toward the door and thinks he is home, and I tell him it's going to be a couple more hours.
I'm now going to write both sides of my grandparents and send w/a card before my sister-in-law stops by for a visit.
I'll post later on what's really going on at YoYo's house!
Friday, July 16, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Crazy Life

- Family
- Friends
- Music
When I have something major happen in my life, I can immediatly think of at least 10 people w/in seconds that I can pick up the phone and call.
Music has always been my go to when I'm stressed. Yesturday I found myself going to the gym and had my music on in the car, and felt a since of relief. I also feel that way when I play my flute.
Thanks to family and friends that care alot about me. I hope I don't waste your time.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Smiles even from a Turtle
Sunday, June 13, 2010
A Happy 35 Years

Many of you out there in the world today is just Flag Day. Well in our world my mom and dad is celebrating a happy 35 years of marriage. Well I hope happy! I'm sure they will tell you they have had good times and bad, but they have stayed together. When I got married I remember being told that I have a 50% chance of staying together. I'm hopeful as many of my close friends parents continue to be together. These close friends I've known most of my life or the last 10 years of my life. I tell several people that I'm the last generation of their parents staying together. Time goes by so fast that I sometimes think after a long day I'll go home, do homework, play outside, then eat what mom's cooked, do my evening chores, play a game w/the family then start over again. I mentioned the other day to someone about Friday night being game night at my house and they said they never as much played a single game of cards w/their family. That is sad if you can't get together w/your parents and play games. Since college, times has gone so fast that I sometimes feel it's only been a couple of years since I've been out. One day, I tell my parents a grandchild will come just not now. I hope they will be around when I get my life together to have one. Why does everything have to be planned?
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Half the Year is Gone

We now work out regularly, and hope to during our hot Texas weather!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Birthday Weekend
Friday night, I worked w/my dad, recording/sales for a middle school.
Saturday night, we all had our first dining experience at:
I first want to congratulate all the people that has helped turn this one part of Fort Worth into a hip place. Where Tillman's roadhouse is today, once stood old warehouses, and a not very safe area if you know what I mean. This new part of Fort Worth has many new shops, and restaurants, that I want to go back and check out. I also checked out the new condos, but my working dreams would need to come together to live in one!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
All in a Nutshell...

Birthday plans are up in the air. I want to try a new place, have a conversational environment, and eat yummy food that does not break our bank. So, I'm not sure what to do.
Monday, April 26, 2010
What did we do before?

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Another weekend
Game 3 is about to be on w/the Dallas Mavs and San Antonio Spurs. So if all of the above is done, then enjoy the game!!
Our weekend here at YoYo's house was spent mostly working. Our weekends are split. Our next day off will be when most of you are at work.
We are ready for the next pay day so more bills can get checked off the list.
Well everyone enjoy what's left of this great Texas weather weekend.
Go Mavs!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

30 Days left until I'm 30 Years old. Short version I can say, I've lived a pretty good 3 decades. My parents have raised a young, responsible adult, w/strong core values. I can say I'm a bit wiser than when I was 20 in many areas of my full circle life. (Maybe another topic to blog)
Lately, I've been looking at random blogs that feature some sort of list. Well, I've been thinking of a list to complete this last month of me being in my 20's.
So here it is:
- Work out every day, if not almost every day
- Finish the Son of the Witch, part of the Wizard of Oz series.
- Play my flute at least 2 times
- Blog more often
- Eat more meals in
- Plan a dinner night w/friends or family at our home
- Plant my seasonal veggies & flowers
- Write a letter to someone and put a stamp on it instead of clicking send
I'm sure I'll come up w/more later or decide to subtract from this one, but it's a start.
For being almost 30, I can honestly say I don't feel it one bit!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I Wish
I wish I would be here next week:

Instead, we have to pay our taxes. URG!
I wish I'd only have to work 30 hours, and still be able to pay the bills! If I had 10 extra hours to my week I'd get to:
- See my family and friends more
- read
- play my flute
- see my husband
- play and walk YoYo more often
I wish I could pamper myself w/out thinking about the money that could be going towards credit card bills.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Park vs Shots
Fast forward 3 days, and now I'm not feeling very well. I had 3 shots and a blood test. I'm sore as hell. I'd advise you to not pick me up and touch my back or else... or else I'll squeak!
All I can say is I'm glad these are my yearly shots.
I hope you enjoy my very first video.
Paw for now.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Rolling with the Punches
Punch one: four hours turned into 2 days. Bye, Bye weekend off, hello extra income. Yes, that's one reason why I stayed, but the other reason is due to a very small staff, and all were not available.
Punch two: I began getting a pain in my neck while at work. It has turned into a big crick in the neck for the weekend.
Surprise Punch: 1st day of spring brings small snow drifts here!
I need 6:00 to come fast, so I can go back home, enjoy my family, and the heating pad!
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Daylight Savings Time

Good Morning to all,
My body says 8, but it's 9 oh my! The first thing we all do is change the alarm clock forward, followed by all our clocks on the walls. Then we move to every electronic that tells time too. Ok, everyone done?
I like this time of year, and I'll tell ya why!
- I can now run after work outside and not worry about it getting dark.
- We can begin our spring/summer planting. I'm ready for peppers, tomatoes, and the 5 strawberries that will only grow.
- I can read my books on the patio before sunset.
- We can start grilling veggies outside and not freeze
Why do you like the time change?
Monday, March 01, 2010
Nightly Routine

Funny how for two weeks now, our routine at YoYo's house has been enjoying watching the Olympic games.
Now What?!!
I can tell you we enjoyed the opening ceremonies, but not crazy about the closing. Our favorite moment was watching Shaun White the snowboarder win gold while making history presenting his new move; McTwist! I'm happy for Evan Lysacek winning gold, but disappointed about any US girl missing the medals for 46 yrs. I'm glad who won on the girls side, mainly b/c I feel it was fair, and after watching all performances I'm glad for the "Queen" to win. Wow what pressure, and just think that girl is only 16! What brave skating for the Canadian girl winning Bronze, just after her mom passing away 2 days prior.
Both hockey games Canada vs. US were fun to watch too. My favorite Dallas Stars; Morrow won gold. I wonder if we will wait another 30 years to win gold.
What were your enjoyable moments?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Money Tips for all

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Looking forward to
Taking YoYo for his 1st teeth cleaning,
Paying my credit card and car payment in person,
We all need to fill our Piggy

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Random Thoughts
I'm happy to recycle my grocery store bags for YoYo!
Wow! Just in: We are at 7.3 inches of snow today! This is the most snow fall in a calendar day! The 4th most snow since we've been tracking records.
One day soon I will satisfy my PF Chang's craving. I love the crab wontons there.
I'm so ready to get back into running/working out.
I've started the 2nd series in Wicked called the Son of the Witch. I hope it does not take me a year to read.
So, here are my random thoughts. Maybe this is why hard core bloggers post about what they did for the week, as in writing posts and going back to them adding special touches before posting. I'd like to do that, but I get so excited being able to stop out of my crazy day and talking to you. Now I'm going to enjoy being w/my husband at home. Yes I'm off tonight!
Enjoy our snowy night!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Bug Off
Another thing bugging me: I'm in need of a manicure. Really. I cleaned my blinds on Sunday, really cleaned, I mean it took me an hour w/warm soap and water! Then later that night, my cuticles started burning.
I've been saving money on cutting back my spa days, but I'm do one very soon!
On a good note: 3 more working days until my day off. Then its Super Bowl Sunday!
Shout out to where is: Steppin' up to the Eastepp's? Your last post was on my 5th yr. ann.
Well I'm off to finish the last chapters of my Nicholas Sparks book.