Here at YoYo's house we are super excited for the season "Fall". As you may have noticed when you jumped on our site. Do you like? Well, we do. A little mouse told me I needed to change up our background as the other one was boring. I also found a new thing I like; buttons. A friend in gave me a button, but I guess I was too late b/c it expired. I was inspired to branch out a little and accessorize our blog. I hope you like the new look.
Now on to Texas seasons. I know technically according to the calendar we are in fall, but in Texas, our fall season to me I believe has just begun this week. I have noticed our leaves changing color, and falling. When I took YoYo out on Sunday, we both noticed leaves on the ground. I remember going inside and telling my husband about the leaves, which then turned into a conversation of seasons. I told him that the sutle hints we see outside make me look back on the summer and ask ourselves, "did we do everything we wanted this summer?" He said he is glad that the 100+degree days are over. He loves the crisp air at night and wish we could open our house all night, but we don't want to get sick.
Other funny things about fall is when your tomato plant is still growing, and producing tomatoes, it just take a bit longer for them to ripen.
If you have an acorn tree go outside and collect acorns and put in a decorative glass bowl like I did. I just hope bugs don't come out of them!
Get outside today and enjoy this 70 degree weather and have fun!
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