A cup of coffee is exactly what I needed this morning. This morning was a special cup of coffee; it was not to go! Yes, I'm finally off. I've worked the last three weeks straight. Luckily my body did not feel the constant work. I've been drinking tea, lots of water, and eating the occasional apple and orange. I also am able to spend drinking a nice cup of Joe w/ my hubby. Yep, we are off together today. As I'm writing this blog, he is on the other computer researching a card table & chairs. Why you ask?
Well, we are having Thanksgiving dinner/cowboy game(can't forget that) for the first time at our apartment. We only have 4-6 spots at the table & 3 on the couch w/TV treys. I think we will be shopping for a table today.
Lots to do for my day off, so I'm signing off. Everyone enjoy you Monday.
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