
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crush Time Lead Right into Step Time

Almost 24 hours ago, I took my first crunch class and step class. I'm very sore in the stomach area, and only a tiny bit sore in my legs. Maybe all those steps I climb at work everyday keep me in shape!

I want to thank a random stranger in the step class for knowing it was my first time. She came over and asked me if I'd taken the instructors class, and I said no, its my first time. She then gave me a piece of advice and it was well worth it! The instructor came back from having her 4th child and she looks amazing. She also said this was her 2nd home birth! Anyways, that's a major side note!
The instructor recognized most of everyone in the class and also asked if she had any newbies. I of course raised my hand and she asked first step class too?!!

I've noticed most instructors are great where I work out, but the place is not so great. I really don't like how they expect us new people to know everything. It's frustrating and the place is hot all the time. I want to be in a cool environment, so I can work up my own hotness! (If you get me)

So the classes sounded good, but now I'm so sore, it hurts to sit. Good thing I stand at my 2nd job allot. Yes, I've worked the last two days at my 2nd job while being off from the primary job.

I'm taking a little "me" time right now, enjoying my patio w/a glass of wine. YoYo is in my lap waiting on a particular someone to get home! He looks out toward the door and thinks he is home, and I tell him it's going to be a couple more hours.

I'm now going to write both sides of my grandparents and send w/a card before my sister-in-law stops by for a visit.

I'll post later on what's really going on at YoYo's house!

Friday, July 16, 2010


Yoga is one of the most ancient cultural heritage of India. The word yoga in Sanskrit means "to unite", and so yoga can be said to connote a unitive discipline. It is a way of life. I've alway wanted to learn it, but never really started it. My mom gave me yoga videos once for a christmas gift, but never watched one.

I went to my first Yoga class and Loved it! The instructor was great, and I learned so much. I'm ready to go back to my second class. After the first class was over after I long day at work, I felt refreshed, and focused at 8:00pm. I'm ready to go on this yoga jorney and I'll keep you posted on how it goes.