
Sunday, March 29, 2009

On Top of the World

Yea! I finally was able to go outside. We went to the park today. Today I feel like I'm on top of the world. How about you?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

60 Earth Hour


Check out this web site for more info.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I get no Attention

Sleeping, sitting, laying. This is what my two weeks of life have been like. Both my mom & dad are sick. So, when they are not here, I am bored, and when they get home, I am bored. Mom has a bad sinus infection. Dad probably has the same thing, b/c all his symptoms are the same. They both cough, blow noses w/ Kleenex, which one accidentally got on the floor. I claimed that as mine. I shredded that into a million pieces in the other room while they watched TV.

So soon, I hope this household is back to normal. I miss my walks outside.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Music is one of the best things here on earth.

Music is my passion. I begin showing interest in music early on. My mom took me to the old North East Mall (before construction) next to Nordstrom's to a music store. I learned keyboard in the back of a music store by a lady. I remember I labeled my keyboard with bright neon colors that represented the notes on the board.

I can also remember my dad playing what I always still call "Dad music". He loves CCR, Three Dog Night and old country.

I am a musician. I play the flute. I begin learning to play in the 6Th grade. I have many accomplishments and many more to achieve in my music life. I'm defenilty competitive. I continue to take private lessons from an incredible women. I have so much respect for this lady. She has helped me keep my flute up by playing w/her in various activites. We play duets together for church service. I'm in a flute choir called the Flutissimo Flute Choir. We are currently working in our Spring serries. We will record our 2nd christmas CD this summer! I can go on for miles posting about my music stuff, so for now this is just a capture of what I'm doing now.

I can tell you that I'd alway tell my mom, "Give me 30 minutes and I'll be back." I'd say this to her if we were arguing about something, or if I was simply having a bad day. I still say this now. I come home from work, and pick up my flute for a bit and feel so much better. This is my stress release. My sister Amanda would always tell me she could not understand why my stress could go away just my picking up my flute. She said picking up her saxophone gave her stress. I would tell her I'm not sure but it simply makes me feel better.

What kind of music do you like? I get this question asked all the time. A musician typically will say all kinds, at least that is what I say. I have so much respect for artist, that I have learned to like music I never thought I would like. During the 80's error if you asked anyone in the music business if a Hip Hop artist could take home the most prized award in music people would say "No way will a Hip Hop artist take home a Grammy." Now these are the artist that are having to 10 hits, that are in our play list on our Ipods, or in our car CD players. So this is just an example of why I have an open mind about music, b/c you never know who will be the next hit.

We like Itunes at this house, and Allen has done a wonderful job at our play list. Almost a year ago, I got an Ipod Touch. Now I listen to it at work, when I work out (go run), watch movies on it (when we went on the ski trip), play games, even check email!! We now turn on Itunes almost 90% of the time before we will turn on the radio.

Last week at church, they were asking people to find a place to serve. They have many activities w/in the church to serve. They had booths set up w/all of the groups. My husband asked if I wanted to go to the music table. Maybe one day. I told him I feel like I already serve just not here yet. I play at retirement centers, play the National Anthem at the Ballpark in Arlington, Toys for Tots etc. I serve in my own way, and the way that makes me happy.

Friday, March 06, 2009


Spring is around the corner.
The first signs of spring happen when,
you are awaken by the birds chirping outside your bedroom window,
when you take a walk in the park and see baby chicks in the pond,
when trees, bushes, and flowers begin to bud,
when you see the first butterfly,
when you see the first ladybug,
when you see the first roly-poly,
and finally when daylight savings time comes, you know spring is around the corner.

Spring official kicks off March 20, 2009.

This is my favorite time of the year. Many of you that know me, know that I have to cram a million things in a 24 hour period. So, I feel like when it gets dark later, I’ve accomplished more in one day in the spring time than any other time of the year.

I enjoy the colors of spring, such as the light blues, lemonade yellow, lime green, fuchsia, and bright orange. I also enjoy reading a book on the patio, or having dinner for 2 on the patio.

What do you like about Spring?