
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Birthday Moments

It's been one week since I've turned 31. Allot has happened, all in good ways. Only I, close friends and family know that my birthday week is always crazy, so I'm finally updating blogger world!

I was able to take off 2 days from work and focus on what I do best, play music. Our Flutissimo Flute Choir on Friday played in front of a judge, which gave us great advice that will help get us ready for National Flute Convention. That competition is in August and as I wrote in an earlier post of news...well that's it! I will have the privilege to get to go to Charlotte NC for the first time ever in my life and play 3 fulfilling days of music. I'm going alone, but will be with 20 other people representing the proud state of TEXAS!! Just a bit of background on this event:
We began 2 years ago sending in tapes of our concert performances that included 45-60 minutes of music. This year only 2 Flute Choirs were selected from Texas to get to perform in Charlotte NC. Don't worry out there Texas fans, I'll make sure I represent our state well! More to come on this event.

Following the Friday night performance in front of the judge, my loving husband (yes he went, that's why he's the best) drove me back to the house and there we enjoyed a relaxing night with our family. Concluding this evening which was my actually birthday, he surprised me w/a cake.

The next morning I woke up and headed back to the Texas Flute Society event in Denton. I wanted to take a master class w/this lady from El Paso. All were invited to perform w/4 years or more experience. We worked on 3 pieces, followed by us playing them in a concert. At one point 30 minutes in, the lady called out, "I need a Flutissimo player to play this." At first, I was like, oh, is she talking to me, then I quickly noticed that yes, she was, so I spoke up and told her I was playing part 2, and then asked did she need to me to play part 1. Basically in that brief moment, after it was over, I thought to myself did I just do that in front of 50 people w/no problem, and our group must be a big deal. So knowing this, and knowing that I'm performing on stage in an hour w/our group, I made sure I played the best performance I could. Playing our concert was bitter/sweet for me b/c I knew I was playing w/people for the last time until the fall. I knew that my journey was not over, as 20 of us will continue working hard, and perfecting the pieces for Nationals.

When I was done w/the festival, I went home and got ready to go over to a friends house to help celebrate by birthday. We cooked out steaks, asparagus, and my friend made the best Cesar Salad w/her families homemade dressing. She even made her own croutons. Yum. Then came the best part, her homemade cake that mainly consist of pound cake, chocolate, and amaretto.

As always we had good conversation that paired well w/the wine.

Sunday was a day of relaxing. We decided to stay home which is a rare opportunity, as I always have something going. We enjoyed the pool for the first time this season. It was a bit chilly, but that quickly was overlooked w/us enjoying fun laughs and conversation w/family.
So after all that playing in many forms, it was quickly back to the grind mill as my husband had to be at work at 2AM.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

True Friends

My weekend started Tuesday after a long work stretch of about 10 days. I also played four times last week, so my days and nights did not finish until close to 11pm every day. I really enjoyed last Tuesday's performance. We had a small group out of our Spring season play at the re-grand opening at the Hurst Library. I really enjoyed playing in front of these 3 young ladies. I mean young, they were just starting out playing the flute. This venue was a very big deal for the city. They had media, cameras, and about 200 people were able to get up close and personal to us. At one point in the concert one of the girls asked "What's that?" We then described to her a flute she had never seen...The base flute. We quickly showed her the alto, and the E flat flute. This is why I play.
Also, something big came out of that concert that I will post another day.

So yesterday my tools included a rake, shovel, wheel barrel, and gloves. I played w/weed killer to mortar. I helped lay down lime stone and shovel out a gravel drive. Yes, today my obliques are a bit sore, but after all this is what you do to help out a very dear friend. To be honest I actually enjoyed it. I was reminded of the many projects I was next to w/my dad.
I'm really looking forward to the finish product the Sat. when we go over for a graduation party.

Well, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my weekend night w/my hubby. I work another two days, and have my normal weekend back!
Everyone enjoy.